Put on the new self who is being renewed to a true
knowledge according to the image of the One who created him.
My grandparents sacrificed and risked
everything to come to America. They tried to get visas from the immigration
bureau in Czechoslovakia after World War
I, but were repeatedly turned down. They were told that the quota was filled.
My grandmother took matters into her own
hands and obtained visas for the two of them by bribing the immigration bureau
clerk! The visas were only for six months, so my grandfather traveled to
another city to see his cousin, who was a detective, and arrangements were made
for them to stay in the United States permanently!
The adventure began. Grandma and Grandpa
traveled by a small ship which took nine days.
They settled in a suburb of Chicago with a large bohemian population and
were able to shop at traditional Czech bakeries and butcher shops. There were
several restaurants that offered traditional Czech meals like they were
accustomed to having. It was like living in Czechoslovakia, but without the
oppressive communist government. Times were hard for many years, but they had
made a new life in America.
Was it really a new life or merely the
same life in a new location? Grandma and
Grandpa lived in the Chicago area for about fifty years. They managed to get
along without having to learn a lot of English, or change many of their ways of
life. When my family visited them we couldn’t talk about much of anything. We
just smiled a lot and exchanged a few pleasantries. How I would have loved to
hear all their stories firsthand.
Similarly, Colossians 3 contrasts our
old self (v. 9) and our new self (v. 10). We are to lay aside the old and put
on the new. Just as it is not fitting for a butterfly to crawl around on the
ground like the caterpillar it used to be and not ever use its new wings, it
isn’t fitting for us as new creatures in Christ to continue living in our
former ways. The old ways seem more familiar and comfortable but so much is
missed by not putting on the new.
Father, may I be mindful of continually laying aside my old ways of thinking
and habits so that I may keep putting on the new self with new thoughts and
Karen Sims
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