A cheerful heart is
good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22
A small boy spied a
clown on the street corner holding up an advertising sign. He turned to his
mother and asked, “Mother, is that a real clown or just someone dressed up like
a clown?” To children a clown is a real person.
Although some children
are afraid of clowns, most of us are drawn to the colorful clothes and makeup
of these characters. Ronald McDonald is probably today’s most recognized clown
. Emmett Kelly is the most famous circus
clown of all times. He created a hobo character called “Weary Willie.” Willie
drew sympathy from the crowds as he tried to sweep up the spotlight in the
center ring. It kept moving and kept the crowd laughing. Kelly’s “sad sack
face” is captured in bronze in the Missouri capitol rotunda.
Clowns bring smiles to
our faces. Cheerful people do the same. We are all drawn to the person with a
smile and a kind word.
Some people have innate
cheerful natures. They seem to come into this world with smiles on their faces.
Others develop a sanguine personality as they realize what a wonderful world
God made. They grow a spirit of optimism. I am often amazed at the change in an
older person who accepts Christ. They exude joy. Oh that all Christians could
catch some of that “joyous spirit.” Some of us just need a rekindling. Restore
to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me (
Psalm 51:12).
Then there are those
who seem to wallow in misery. They aren’t happy and they don’t want others to
be. We’ve all been around these negative people. No matter how hard you try,
you can’t seem to please them. “Woe is me” seems to be their motto. The world
has “done them wrong,” and they want you to know it.
Which are you? Examine
your attitude. Do you try to find positive things to talk about or are you
always discussing “gloom and doom?” Please don’t knock on my door!
Nowhere is a cheerful
spirit needed more than in the home. Mothers and wives, you set the personality
of the home. Your attitude permeates the atmosphere. Yes, I know many of you
live with demanding and sometimes un-Christ like mates. Others have rebellious
children who continually test your patience. Still, you can help any situation
if you display a cheerful attitude. Ask the Lord to help you achieve this.
Put on your blinders
and blot out the world of turmoil and decay. See the world God has given us
through the eyes of an optimist. Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it
again: Rejoice! (Philippians
Dear Father, We
don’t always choose our circumstances, but we do our attitudes. Lead us to
choose a cheerful spirit and show Christ to the world.
Janice Yandell
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