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NIV is used unless otherwise noted.

Let's Take a Trip to Jericho

Joshua told the people “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”
Joshua 3:5

Jericho, Land of the Palms, lies between Mt. Nebo in the east and the Dead Sea in the south. Underground tributaries transformed her into an oasis teeming with plant life.

The stories of The Good Samaritan, the baptism of John Baptist, the healing of the blind men, the story of Zacchaeus and many more Bible stories took place in or around Jericho.

Situated on the West Bank, she is one of oldest cities in civilization. Next to Jerusalem it is the most excavated city in the world. Layers of twenty-three civilizations have been uncovered there. 
Excavations have uncovered the ruins of the walls of Jericho. Even evidence of the burning of the city has been discovered.

The story of the famous battle is one of my favorites. Here they were, the new generation of Israelites. The Lord had stopped the flow of the Jordan River so they could cross over into the Promised Land. Now they looked to their new leader, Joshua, to lead them into battle and take the fortified town of Jericho.
About forty thousand armed Israelites were ready for battle.

Put yourselves in Joshua’s sandals. Hadn’t he scouted out the Promised Land and given only one of the two positive reports?  Hadn’t he led the Israelites to the Jordan River and across? He obeyed all the complicated commands given him concerning the crossing of the river. Now God was introducing a weird series of directions for the taking of Jericho. I would have probably thought, Why can’t You just give us the city? You are God.

Joshua trusted God. He did as he was told. He had the armed men march around the city once for six days. On the seventh day seven priests blew rams’ horns as the army marched around Jericho seven times. As the Lord instructed, when the army heard a loud blast, they all gave a loud shout and the wall of the city collapsed. As the song says, The walls came tumbling down.  The battle was won.

What is your Jericho? Are there times when you doubt God’s judgment? “Why, Lord, did You allow this to happen to me? I have served You faithfully, yet you took my child’s life.”

“How could you keep my husband from getting that job he needed so much?  Don’t you know how stretched our budget is?”

 God gave humans a free will. Sometimes our free will leads to disasters such as deaths from drunk driving, addiction, cancer and other dire consequences. He does sometimes intervene, but not always.

We need to consecrate our lives so that we can accept whatever comes our way. Sometimes we can change circumstances; sometimes we can not. Joshua’s obedience should be an example for us.

Dear Father, Help me be ready for whatever circumstances come my way. Give me courage.

Janice Yandell

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