The writers of are celebrating their fifteen year landmark by making their 365 daily devotional book, God Moments, available as a free digital download! A total of thirty-six GABC writers have faithfully captured “moments of God’s presence” in their lives to encourage your own spiritual journey. You can find God Moments on, iTunes, and

NIV is used unless otherwise noted.

Renewing Myself: Body and Soul

For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Galatians 5:14

I want to put a little different slant on today’s scripture that is not usually emphasized, and that is, if you do not love yourself you cannot love others. So many of us who were not adequately validated by others do not have a good self image of our worth, and that makes it hard on all our relationships. Today I want to help us all renew ourselves in body and soul, which are really tied together.

First, list three things that you really like about yourself. It could be some physical characteristic, but could also be behavior, attitude, habits, or whatever. Be honest. There is always something good you can find! It could also be legs that work, fingers that can button clothes, stamina to clean the house or any of a multitude of things that make you, you. It might even be ears that can hear the happy sound of a child laughing.

Then list three things that you would like to improve. Be honest, but not brutal. Again, a physical trait, behavior, attitude, knowledge, or anything at all. At this time of year it usually has to do with our weight and physical conditioning. (I suspect that most of our New Year’s resolutions have already gone out the window!)

Next make a plan to use to accomplish your goals. Make it reasonable and not so hard that it is discouraging. Go for little steps. It might be just a sticky note on your car visor to remind you to smile at people you meet that day. Little changes over time will probably be more lasting, and give you the most satisfaction.

Then, ask God to help you be the person He wants you to be; not the magazine cover ideal that no one can ever achieve. This will make you much more useful to the Lord and give you more worth in your own eyes.

Lord, somewhere along the way at times I have lost where my own value lies. Help me to value myself as you value me. Help me realize who I am in You. Amen.

Pat Eppler

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