Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.
Galatians 6:1

We talk about having our “buttons” pushed when someone says or does something that ignites powerful emotions. An array of ugly feelings burst forth when a sensitive spot in our souls is suddenly triggered. We all know at least one difficult person who provides opportunities for us to do the things we don’t want to do (Romans 7:15).
The word “caught” in Galatians 6:1 does not mean the act of being “found out” in a sin. Instead, it’s the idea of being trapped or ensnared by a sin after we’ve been tempted. “Buttons” and “triggers” spur us toward entrapment. We react to the trigger or button being pushed and then spiral out-of-control into a tenacious web of deceit. Once we are caught we repeat destructive thoughts and behaviors.
Buttons will be pushed. Triggers will be pulled. They launch our weaknesses and when left unchecked we are caught. Our hope is that we don’t have to snap under pressure or remain trapped.
Do you know a loved one who is caught in a harmful lifestyle? I do. At times we are the ones ensnared. Pride prompts us to believe we are able to escape on our own, but we aren’t. We need each other! God created us to depend on the community of believers who live by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit indwelling us has gifted and charged us with the amazing responsibility to restore others to harmony with God.
When we are the one trapped, we can choose to respond in humility and allow a fellow Christ-follower whom we trust, to free us of the net we’re entangled in. We come alongside each other, recognizing our comparable condition.
Holy Spirit, fill me moment by moment with your power, so that I may gently help restore those who may be caught in sin.
Karen Sims
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