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NIV is used unless otherwise noted.

The Snake on My Front Porch (And Yours)

 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the
wild animals the Lord God had made.
Genesis 3:1

I told my 13-year-old son to watch for snakes as he stepped out the front door. Spring in Texas means snakes are out.

He came back with his eyes wide open.

"There IS a snake out there," he said, surprised that I would actually be right.

I still can't figure out why he left the door open while he came back to report the snake coiled up by our front door. Yet I digress.

As I look back on this situation, I started to think about the incident in a spiritual light. In scripture, the snake represents Satan. See Genesis 3:1 and Revelation 12:9.

Here are some six things I learned:

1. Satan looks for people to devour, so we must always be alert. 1 Peter 5:8

2. Satan is a stumbling block that causes us to dwell on human concerns instead of God's. Matthew 16:23.

3. Satan doesn't always look scary. He can masquerade as an angel of light. Corinthians 11:14

4. Satan is a liar who wants to deceive everyone. Revelation 12:9, John 8:44

5. We must take advantage of God's armor to protect ourselves. Ephesians 6:11

6. God is stronger. Satan will be destroyed in the end. Revelation 20:10

I don't like to think about Satan. Just like I don't like to think about snakes. But the reality is, both are out there. And both can be difficult to spot. They blend in with our environment.

So we must be alert and prepared at all times. 

Lord, help me to be aware of Satan's schemes in my life. Show me how to use Your armor to protect myself. Thank you for defeating Satan.


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