The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I [Jesus] have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

We never heard a sound and there was no visible evidence left behind. My newly planted marigolds had mysteriously been stripped of all their foliage. My flowerbed looked like rows of lemon lollipops—flowers on bare stalks. Within days, the vibrant blossoms withered. Their source of life had been consumed. I stood dumbstruck. By the time I figured out what happened it was too late.
I searched the internet for answers and discovered that slugs or snails had devoured the marigolds’ leaves. They are nighttime critters and had pillaged my plants while my husband, dog, and I slept.
The same thing happens to us spiritually when we leave our minds and hearts unguarded. We let our thoughts wander. Things of the world lull us to sleep. Greed, self-promotion, materialism, and earthly comforts overtake us before we realize we’ve been robbed of life. The thief of our souls sucks out our fruitfulness. Intimacy with God our Father wanes. We struggle in relationships and we become ineffective witnesses for Jesus. We lose our beauty. I don’t want that to happen, do you?
Fear nearly paralyzes me when I consider the possibility of this happening to me or my loved ones. I haven’t yet learned how to keep slugs and snails out of my garden, but I do know how to prevent the evil one from ruining our lives. Stay rooted in Jesus and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls (James 1:21). Jesus says He came that we might have abundant life. He wants us to thrive! I trust Him to protect me from the thief. Will you? He is our good shepherd who lays down His life for us (John 10:11). He is our vine (John 15). We receive nourishment in Him. Our love, peace, and joy are replenished.
Jesus, you promise us abundant life as we stay close and connected to you.
Karen Sims
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