Grace and peace to you from God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 1:2

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are a couple known throughout the world. Have you noticed that when they walk together, Prince Philip remains a few steps behind Queen Elizabeth? In fact, he is required to walk three steps behind her. Why? The Queen as a Monarch outranks everyone, including her husband. So he must walk behind to acknowledge that in rank, she comes first.
In scripture there is another famous couple, Grace and Peace. Authors of the New Testament acknowledge this couple often in the opening or closing of their books. It’s interesting that when these two nouns are mentioned together in a sentence, most often grace is mentioned first. That’s because without grace there would be no peace. Spiritually speaking, grace comes first and then peace.
All people desire peace. Organizations have been formed to establish peace. Negotiations are continually taking place to establish peace. Perhaps even you have taken steps to restore peace in a relationship. But peace among people in this life is temporary at best.
However, there is a spiritual peace that is permanent. Believer, did you know that before God’s grace was lavished upon you, you were God’s enemy? Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior (Colossians 1:21). You were living in rebellion against God with no hope of reconciliation.
Then came grace. Jesus died on the cross, opening a way for man to have peace with God. Jesus paid the price of sin and brought reconciliation between God and man. (Colossians 1:20, 22) And so, those who believe in Jesus have peace with God. We believers are also given the peace of God—that peace that transcends understanding and guards ours hearts and minds. (Philippians 4:7)
Are you at peace with God because by grace you believe in Jesus Christ? Are you experiencing the peace of God in your present circumstance?
Lord, thank You for Your grace through Jesus that brings lasting peace.
Jan Burkhart
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