What are you doing here, Elijah?
1 Kings 19:9

Elijah had just stood courageously before 450 Baal prophets. He had called upon God, and God’s mighty display of power had proved that He, the LORD, is the one true God. Elijah ordered the false prophets killed, infuriating Queen Jezebel, who determined Elijah also would die. Elijah forgot God’s power and protection and ran for his life. Fear brought Elijah to a cave. The mighty prophet of God was cowering in a place God never intended him to be. The voice of God spoke, What are you doing here, Elijah? (1 Kings 19:9). Lesson one: Fear can take you where God never intended you to be.
In that cave of fear, God made his presence known to Elijah. First God sent a great and powerful wind that shattered rocks. Then He sent an earthquake followed by fire, but Elijah recognized that the LORD was not in those spectacular events. Then came a gentle whisper, and Elijah recognized the still, small voice of God. Even though Elijah’s fear had taken him where God never intended him to be, God was with him. Lesson two: Believer, regardless of where you have allowed fear to take you, you are never away from the presence of God.
Once again God said, What are you doing here, Elijah? (1 Kings 19:13). Elijah began to tell God all his problems—some based on facts, others based on distortions. Fear can distort reality! God redirected Elijah’s focus. He gave him three specific missions and then lovingly, but firmly corrected Elijah’s distorted view. Elijah left the cave and moved forward in obedience. Lesson three: Acting in faith upon God’s truth and commands is the way of out the cave of fear.
Has fear taken you where God never intended you to be? Remember God’s presence is with you always. Turn your focus upon His truth and follow His commands in faith. He will enable you to leave your cave of fear.
Thank You, Lord, that Your presence and truth strengthens us in times of fear.
Jan Burkhart
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