In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands.
And his commands are not burdensome.
1 John 5:3

While on my way to work one day I came to a busy intersection. The red light ahead let me know that I needed to stop. As I sat and waited, I thought about what chaos would occur without those lights letting each driver know when to stop, go, or turn.
If any one of us heading towards that intersection had chosen to disregard the light for our lane, we would have not only put our own life in danger, but those of the other drivers and passengers as well.
In the Bible, God gives us commands that we need to obey and follow. He does not give us these commands so He can police us and catch us doing something wrong, but so our lives will run so much more smoothly and efficiently.
God commands us to love each other, be kind, and look out for one another. He admonishes us to be good stewards of our money, our time, and the gifts He has given us. He encourages us to be respectful of authority and our elders. He even gives us tips for getting along with our spouses and children.
Just like in the intersection while driving, if I choose to ignore His commands my life can become chaotic dodging one thing after another. I may want to be my own boss and do my own thing. If I make choices contrary to His commands, then I should not be surprised when the consequences do not turn out as pleasant as I would like.
If I consider obeying His commands as a way to show my love for Him, then it makes it so much easier to be obedient.
God, thank you for giving me the Bible so that I may know your heart and know your commands. How wonderful to have the privilege of obeying them.
Susan P.
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