in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes…
Proverbs 3:6 & 7a

Henry Blackabee’s Experiencing God Bible study made such a great impression on me.
I loved the picture of what the words “Experiencing God” conjured up. I jumped on board wholeheartedly – well, almost.
One point really bothered me. Blackabee stated that he had to leave his wife and children at home many times to accomplish the work God had for him to do. Easy for him to say, he’s not a mother, I thought.
It did not take long for God to put me to the test on that one. After my husband and I had already gone on one short mission trip to Nuevo Laredo our church decided to go again. I did not want to have to find childcare during a school week so I told them I would not go. The trip organizer insisted I go back as a translator. After her many phone calls and “over the phone” prayers, I finally gave in.
The gloomy weather on departure day did nothing to brighten my mood. After getting all of our luggage into the trailer and circling up for prayer, we situated ourselves in the van. I resigned myself to being a part of the team and tried to perk up my attitude.
Just as our driver put our van into gear, the church secretary came running out yelling, “Stop! Wait!” Of course, we stopped. “It’s flooding down there,” she explained. “The church vans will not be able to make it on those dirt roads. The trip is off.”
As I guiltily got off that van, I knew God had issued me a challenge. He wanted to see if I could trust Him enough to do what he asked even if it meant putting my children in His hands. He tested me and I almost failed.
Even though relieved at not having to make that trip, I had no doubt of one thing -- I had definitely “experienced” God.
Susan P.
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