The writers of are celebrating their fifteen year landmark by making their 365 daily devotional book, God Moments, available as a free digital download! A total of thirty-six GABC writers have faithfully captured “moments of God’s presence” in their lives to encourage your own spiritual journey. You can find God Moments on, iTunes, and

NIV is used unless otherwise noted.

Time and Place

And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.
Acts 17:26

God created you for a purpose within your generation. You are not an accident, no matter how you might feel sometimes. He even says in His Word that He determined your geographical location. Have you ever looked around at your town, school, or workplace and thought of it as purposed and planned?

It’s easy to view people like Mother Teresa or Martin Luther King, Jr. as those possessing divine callings. We tend to estimate ourselves as average and them as exceptional.

But God doesn’t see people in those categories. He looks at us all through the lens of His creativity and purpose. He has created you with a unique combination of abilities, natural talents, spiritual gifts and relationships in order to use you in your circle.

You may not feed orphans in India, but you can bring comfort to the elderly in your city. Or maybe you will use your math abilities to tutor at a local school. Could you teach life skills to vulnerable women in transition periods? Would you take a meal to your neighbor?

We are never too young or too old for God to use us. Every day we have the choice to leverage our activities for His Kingdom. Will we do it?

Spend some time today looking at the spheres of influence where God has placed you. Of course, your family is your first circle. Your workplace and neighbors are another. What can you do to point them to the love of Jesus today? Your life can make an eternal difference. Will you choose to live on purpose today?

Father, thank You that You have given me platforms and relationships that are unique to me. Please use me in those situations to point others to You.


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