The writers of are celebrating their fifteen year landmark by making their 365 daily devotional book, God Moments, available as a free digital download! A total of thirty-six GABC writers have faithfully captured “moments of God’s presence” in their lives to encourage your own spiritual journey. You can find God Moments on, iTunes, and

NIV is used unless otherwise noted.

Listening to the Spirit

I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3:17b-19

Do you ever have trouble hearing the voice of the Spirit? If you’re anything like me, then your
answer is a resounding, Yes!

Recently I have embarked on a project of simplicity. What do I mean? I have been trying to simplify the “extras” in my life. Too often I allow noises to crowd out the voice of God.
So I have begun turning off the T.V. and simplifying my activities. I have been working to discipline myself to only take so much time getting ready in the morning. I am still very much a work in progress, but I’m learning.

And I have been amazed at how these simple steps have allowed me to hear the voice of the Spirit. They have allowed me the space for the Spirit to speak truth to my heart. I am grasping in new ways “how wide and long and high and deep” the love of Christ really is.

It is enough to cover my insecurities. It is enough to cover my anxieties. And better yet, it is enough to heal me of those “sins that so easily entangle.”

Friends, life is busy. But when we let that busyness take control, we can crowd out the work of the Spirit in our lives and in our hearts. When we crowd out the Spirit, we can begin to forget his truth, we can become discouraged.

So, today I encourage you to cut one activity out that is optional. You may only gain 5-10 minutes, but take that time to listen to the Spirit’s voice. Listen to the voice of our Father in Heaven. It takes some time to make ourselves slow down, but it is so, so worth it in the end.

Father, give us your wisdom and discernment as we examine our schedules. Show us what is negotiable or can be dropped so that we can spend more time with you. Remind us even in our busyness of how “wide and long and high and deep” is your love.

Amy O

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