The ways of the Lord are right, and the righteous walk in them.
Hosea 14:9

The Regional Spelling Bee would shortly be decided. Only two contestants remained, one being my daughter. Kristina had won her school bee and had now edged out around 100 competitors.
She had participated in this arena before so we were familiar with the good - and the bad - surrounding these events. After each round, the eliminated contestants and their parents may appeal the judge’s decision. If successful, the contestant is able to re-enter the competition.
We’ve been astounded by some of the arguments presented from these ousted contestants - and usually more vehemently from their parents. Lies, manipulations, etc. abound. Before the bee, Kristina decided that she didn’t want to win that way, therefore she wouldn’t appeal.
Kristina spelled her next word wrong. Her face revealed the dejection she felt. Because the round ended, the moderator asked me if I’d like to appeal. I wondered if Kristina’s integrity would remain in the thick of the battle.
She had studied hard for four long years. The winner received an all expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. for a week for two to participate in the National Spelling Bee.
I looked to my daughter before answering. What would she decide? She shook her head. I said, “No.”
If her opponent spelled his word correctly, he would win. To all our amazement, he spelled it wrong! Now my daughter was back in the competition. She spelled one word and became the Regional Spelling Bee Champion!
I was a proud mama to see Kristina win the bee but even more proud to see her win the spiritual battle.
The ways of the Lord are right, and the righteous walk in them (Hosea 14:9).
God’s ways are always right. It isn’t always easy to walk in them but when we do, God is glorified. No one on earth may ever know that we have chosen the right way, but God knows. And His face is beaming with pride as He says, “That’s my daughter!”
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