A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

My job situation increasingly got worse and worse. On top of that, the extreme heat from the afternoon sun seemed to further fuel my extreme disappointment. My comfortable air conditioned car did little to lift my spirits on my way home.
Tears began to well up in my eyes as I stopped for a red light. At that same moment I heard a sound which surprised me - laughter - good old belly shaking laughter. I looked up and there at the transit stop a lady must have just shared a funny story because as she cackled with laughter, the people around her joined in just as boisterously.
Those people stood waiting for city transportation in the same heat I lamented. They had no air conditioning, no shade, and no protection from the unpleasant afternoon environment. And yet, they laughed.
Their lives probably were not any less stressful than mine, but they laughed. In their laughter I felt much more cheerful and positive. I also felt so grateful that I was allowed to observe and enjoy it. The jovial lady who got it all started may never know what affect her cheery disposition had on me, but I know I will never forget. Her “cheerful heart” certainly brought “good medicine” to my “crushed spirit.”
Just like my cheerleader unaware, I never know when someone is watching me. I may never know when a good attitude may be infectious to others. A Christ-like disposition may be just the thing to get someone going in the right direction.
God, thank you for bringing good medicine of cheer to me when I need it.
Susan P.
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