Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through
Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.
Acts 13:38

We all need a do-over sometimes.
That's the Good News. Jesus gives anyone who will come to Him and repent, a new beginning.
The Bible is full of second chance success stories.
Aaron needed a second chance after he helped the Israelites build and worship the golden calf. He knew better! But God didn't write him off. Aaron went on to be a priest.
Peter needed a second chance (or maybe a fourth chance) after he denied Christ three times. But God wasn't finished with him. Peter went on to be a bold witness for Jesus.
Let these stories be encouragement to you when you think you've moved beyond God's grace. You haven't.
The key is repentance.
I John 1:9 tells us that when we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us.
The problem comes when we don't want to confess our sin. We don’t want to agree with God that our actions are contrary to His Word. That's what leaves us paralyzed in our sin.
Isaiah 5:20 warns us not to call evil good and good evil. So many times, we let our culture define what is good and evil. Therefore, we see people ignoring or even celebrating sin.
God requires that we confess sin.
Help me to see my sinful actions. Show me where I don't match up with your Word.
Help me to do what I cannot do on my own. Thank you for your mercy and forgiveness.
In Jesus' Name,
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